We should only throw rubbish that cannot be recycled or reused again into the other waste fraction.
Bin bags

Bin bags
If one breaks and can no longer be used for anything, it should be disposed of in the other waste fraction.
Other waste
Which process is carried out?
Treatment facility: Other Waste Fraction
In this facility, after removal of recyclable elements, all items that are not reusable receive a final treatment: incinerator or controlled landfill.
What does it become?
Incinerator - Electricity
Controlled combustion is carried out at the incinerator and all residues are removed. Gasses are filtered before they are released into the atmosphere. Slags are taken to the landfill. And heat generated from the combustion drive turbines that generate electricity.
Controlled Landfill
Bales with other waste are piled up until they cover the surface of the landfill and then covered with earth. It is recovered for public use or green space.